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My One Year Jenny Craig-Aversary!

My One Year Jenny Craig-Aversary!

I began down my path with Jenny Craig June 3, 2011 and here I am one year later.  I began at 246.6 and weighed in on my one year date at 161.2.  My (former fat girl) favorite Calvin Klein jeans in these pictures are size 20 and I am currently in size 10.  I have just 11 pounds to my goal!  I believe in the Jenny program and their support system.  I love my consultant.  and I could NOT have done this without them – believe me, I tried….several times.

I still feel like I used to look most of the time and it still surprises me when something doesn’t fit because it’s too big and I’m so familiar with picking up XL’s & XXL’s in certain stores.  I am still wildly jubilant that I can forage through almost any store and find things I love that do fit me.  And I can say, though I have come a long way, each day is still a challenge.  I think about almost every bite that goes in my mouth.  I still slip up and have errors in judgement, but I note them and make immediate moves to correct myself.  I still print my weekly JC food journal page thing and fill it out.  I might switch to a spiral notebook in the future or find a smart phone app that I can use instead, but I know writing everything down helps me.  It keeps me accountable to myself and I will continue to employ this “tool” long after I complete the Jenny program.

I feel better physically and know my self-esteem and self-image are just through the roof now.  I am more active on a regular basis because I have to be and I want to be.  I feel more present for my sons and husband.  These are the changes I didn’t know I was looking forward to.  I just thought I wanted to slim down, be a little healthier and be able to shop in more places.

So, I toast my Former Fat Girl and everything I learned from her about how not to care for myself.  She will always be a part of my past, and I will carry her lessons with me each and every day as I strive to maintain my new lifestyle and eating habits.  Cheers!

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  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=562726077 Laurie Miles

    Congratulations and thanks for sharing your story on the JC FB wall. I’m going to go back and read about your journey. I’m only 4 weeks in and still learning, but I am committed to making the changes I need to make. You are now my inspiration!

  • Dorothea

    Hey, Laurie. Thanks for popping over to my tiny piece of the web. Once I figured out that I wasn’t just committing to the physical exercise, or “diet” foods that it is really myself, my husband and little boys that I am committing to, that’s what did it for me. Especially after I lost a parent and parent-in-law who were so young themselves…if I can avoid all the health issues that come with just being overweight, then that is the least I can do to commit myself to a healthy future with my little family. You are worth it. =) Dot

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