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Monthly Archive for August, 2012

August Adventures: Part II

August Adventures: Part II

Just in the last couple weeks we have celebrated my littlest man’s second birthday and had an extended beach extravaganza with Auntie & Daddy!  What fun it has all been.  I am oddly still surprised at how rapidly time slips away from me, from us all.  When I was (a wee bit) younger and in school myself, I thought time went pretty fast and was sure it would slow down once I graduated and settled into a post-student life.  I guess that happened for a while, but then my kids came along and zoooooooooooom – it is going even faster!  How is that even possible?  I look at my first son’s birth date pictures and swear it was just the other week ~ he’ll be four in October!  It is truly wild!

We have had a lovely lovely summer with lots of fun activities, play dates with friends, and some wonderful family time.  I love summer and always have.  The lull in school work and busy busy schedules is a welcome shift in our house.  My parents loved having us home, which I think affected our emotions towards the weeks upon weeks of what could have been utter and total boredom or being sent off to camp for the duration like so many of my friends were.  Sure, we went to summer camp when we were old enough and expressed the desire to, but it was just a couple weeks.  Our parents loved to travel with us, they wanted our input on possible destinations, we spent the days at home with my mother playing, crafting, toodling around the house or around town.  We would end the majority of our summer days at the pool, arriving in the late afternoon after the hoard of teenagers departed and would swim to our hearts content until daddy joined us after he got off work and we would dine poolside together.

The way I experienced summer as a child has  led me to adore the lull myself, as a mother.  I might eat my words in a few summers, or declare myself mentally unstable for thinking this, but man I have loved it.  We did not change our wake/nap/sleep schedule at all – that kind of deviation is not worth the hassle for our little family.  But we found a new routine.  A softer one with more special outings, more pajama mornings, more afternoon treats…and it was a little slice of heaven.

Preschool starts next week for us and we have a lazy Labor Day weekend and a full extra day with daddy home to enjoy it and prepare for the week’s full schedule leading up to the first day of class.  We meet teachers, I have haircuts lined up for both boys, and I have to finalize the addressing of my little sister’s engagement party invites (that’s a whole different blog post right there!!)

Here are a few snippets of our final days of summer in the Carolinas.  Happy Labor Day, y’all!

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Full on lapse!

Full on lapse!

I knowingly and consciously chose to step off my wagon Wednesday night for an impromptu girls’ night, but then I let the wagon back up and run over me a few more times for good measure…

Well, after a series of delicious but terrible food choices between last Wednesday and Sunday, I am up three pounds to see 157 on the scale this morning (dammit!).  I have to share my failures and well as my successes, right?

I was truly surprised that that much weight can add on so quickly, when I work my tush of to have a one pound loss per week.  I am less than 10 pounds from my goal and I just added three weeks to my process, but I damn well learned better and will work even harder to get where I want to be.  I didn’t splurge, I had a full on lapse.  My mom has a saying that I’m sure is something most women have heard before, “A moment on the lips, forever on the hips”.  SO TRUE!  Oy.

So ~ happy Wednesday y’all!  Keep your goals in sight and make good choices to get yourself there!

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August Adventures!

August Adventures!

Here is just a bit of what we have been up to this month so far ~

tons of playground time

a little road trip to a super charming mountain hideaway

visits to the gorgeous gardens nearby

my littlest man’s second birthday!

and gymnastics camp for my big boy

beach time is coming soon – I’ll post about that after we return

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