Daddy, Mama, Evan & baby brother
Foam Bath People
They live at our house, but only momentarily, only in the bathtub and their sole purpose is a few moments of entertainment before sacrificing their foamy lives to clean my son’s elbow, knee or tummy.
Bath time is most often held in my bathroom because I can sit on the edge of the large tub with my legs in the water while my 2-year old son plays in the “little pool”. It’s just easier and more comfortable than jamming myself on the floor in between the toilet and tub, killing my knees and back while he splashes and gets clean. Parents – you know how it is, and boy, this is a MARVELOUS alternative!
Foam people came about one evening when I decided the water felt too tempting on just my legs and I jumped in the tub with Evan. We drew with bath crayons, scrubbed up and then played with the sieves and containers we have stockpiled. He likes his little boat (a $2 Target find almost a year ago!) and I thought it needed a little something. I added a foam “Captain”, which tickled Evan and he asked for another one…so we quickly had a boat of foam people who were all dubbed one of the family – mama gets to be the pink foam and Evan is blue and usually gets a basket ball added (a small-ish blob of pink foam)! And one by one Evan scoops them out to rub their foaminess on whatever body part I name.
What also fascinates me and makes me proud, is that though they look nothing like actual people in the sense that he’s familiar with, he gets it – he knows what they’re supposed to be and which person in his life they represent. Kids are amazing. So, I look forward to bath time with him and seeing where he’ll ask me to put a foam Evan, and seeing if he’s in the mood to add a “ball” of some sort.
Here are our foam people on the edge of the tub for the lineup, in their $2 speedboat and in their wannabee life raft (chinese takeout container). Meet the Foam Family!
Daddy, Mama, Evan (with “basketball”) and baby brother.
Going for a boat ride on Lake ScrubbaDubbaToeCheese
Wouldn’t you know, their three hour tour went bad and they’re a’driftin’
Ahhh….the random things we do and take delight in for our kids!!!