For those of you directed to my page by the lovely article in Rebecca Albertson’s “Triad Tuesday” blog on Forsyth Family magazine’s website, I would like to apologize most sincerely for not being prepared and having a blank gallery page. I knew about this article a couple weeks ago and time slipped by me and I was not ready for you and I am so sorry. My sister helped me find a website that I can easily use and watermark my images before uploading them here, which is the only thing I was needing to do before actually putting art in the art gallery. I know, I’m a slacker, please forgive me. Rebecca took an interest in me and used her time to write a really wonderful piece about me and I didn’t have it together for her. I am working on uploading all images I have as I type this and hope to keep on top of my current projects for you from now on. My thanks for visiting me here, and please please don’t let my idiocy deter you from coming back again! Thank y’all and have a great rest of the week!!
Zeb’s First Krispy Kreme
This momentous occasion occurred on the morning of March 5, 2011. My oldest son and I had made an excursion to our local Krispy Kreme to pick up a Saturday breakfast treat. I can’t believe my husband and I waited this long, Zeb is nearly 7 months old, and he had not yet had his first taste of the scrumptious Krispy Kreme icing! We gave Evan a little nibble at 5 months!
Let me back up just a bit – Krispy Kreme was founded in my hometown! The location we go to sits adjacent to the original site. So, this is not just a generic doughnut experience for we locals, it is the only doughnut experience! My husband and I were both raised on Krispy Kreme (not in the literal sense), but as a special post-church treat on Sunday afternoons, or when we had out of town company. It is blissful to bite into a warm, fresh-off-the-line glazed ring of sugar-coated euphoria! Other people can have their dense, cake-like doughnuts, but they’re not for me – no, sir! I want my Krispy Kreme!
Here is the play by play of Zeb’s first taste of hot glazed doughnut!
Here it comes…

And he goes for it!

“I wanna hold it, mama!”


And when we took it away…total devastation…

I know, my darling, they are deeeee-licious! You’ll encounter one again someday soon, I promise.
Precious Spring Outfits!
I just hit up one of my FAVORITE children’s boutiques, McCall’s (located in Reynolda Village). My mom and grandmother shopped for my siblings and I when we were younger, and now I love pouring over their selections and choosing those special little outfits for my two boys. I can always always find beautiful things for our house, too, and our friends!
Today I came home with a precious giraffe bubble outfit for Zeb for this summer. He’s almost in 12-month sizes (though he’s not quite 7 months old) so I went with the 18-month size with the hopes of it fitting him through the summer.

I also got reversible shortalls for Evan. One side has a cute beach theme on orange seersucker and the other side is ice cream on multicolor seersucker. He’s moving into the 3T sizes as I type, but I went with the 4T to give him more room. It’ll be cute on its own or with a white, green or orange collared shirt. SO EXCITED! Spring is on the way!

The Reverse side:

Fact Friday!
I stole this idea from my sister’s blog (www.einthepink.com). It is indeed an easy and fun way to share random tidbits about myself, so that you, my dear readers (if I actually have any) can know me better.
Pickles are evil and I have only eaten 2 on purpose – but I was getting paid to do so (one was a $1 dare from my dad, the other was a $5 dare from dad ~ inflation and all). Picky eating habits run in my family…it’s sad, really. And pickles happen to be one of the most vile and abhorrent creations ever to accidentally end up on my plate (or my mom’s, my brother’s, my sister’s…) It is strange (and annoying) how I can be so specific about deep-sixing the pickle with my order…
…and STILL end up staring down the slimy green spear on the side of my plate when our orders arrive. No pickles. Period. End of sentence. It is difficult to disregard one when it comes on the plate after the specifications have been made. The juice from said item puddles on the plate soaking into and contaminating anything around it, namely the hamburger bun or sandwich bread, french fries or chips…you get the idea. Then I’m left with a quarantined portion of the plate that must be sopped up with a napkin, I don’t care of it’s cloth I’ll use it anyway, and soggy bread items must be removed or set aside. That’s how much I dislike this commonly popular side-item. It is a real process. My husband doesn’t understand why it is such a big deal, but think about it. If you bring me a pickle, you are
A) wasting a pickle
B) making me unhappy
C) wasting napkins
D) possibly having to redo a sandwich or burger, depending on placement of the pickle (ON the sandwich or burger is just unacceptable) , thus wasting food
To clarify, I do not make a fuss with the wait staff if I can resolve the situation myself with above actions (removal, cleaning of plate…). It’s not worth fussing over, I just don’t like them. The smell, the taste, the whole experience of a pickle (which I observe with my husband and sister-in-law on a regular basis) is unappealing in general. So, hold the pickle please!