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Monthly Archive for October, 2010

Halloweenish Happenings

Halloween-ish Happenings

Happy Halloween y’all!

We are in the midst of  my favorite time of year and at the start of the awesomest string of holidays EVER.  I love Halloween, and I love Christmas – but in completely different ways.  Christmas makes me feel sweeter and gooey-er than a giant marshmallow in a bonfire ~ I love the lights, the glitter, the smell of the live tree in our living room, the food, the festive gatherings with friends and family, the music, the chilly air…all of it.  I LOVE Christmas.

Halloween excites me, though.  I love the costumery, the unleashing of your inner crazy, the indulgence of the candies and total strangers handing them out just because it’s what you’re supposed to do (for some reason or other), the repetition of The Rocky Horror Picture Show on at least one channel…I love dressing up – being sexy or scary or gruesome or silly – whatever strikes your fancy.

We, as a neighborhood, do a pre-trick-or-treating potluck dinner, then my husband takes the little ones around our cul-de-sac followed by both grandparent’s houses (they both live in town), while I have candy/door duty.  I enjoy seeing all the kids and their outfit choices, and because I usually overbuy in the candy department I beg them to take generous handfuls (the bug-eyed disbelief is amusing, too).  I had a few interesting responses tonight just past the 8:00 mark when I asked them to take as much as they wanted.  One young man said “I think I’ve met my quota for the night” – Whaaaaat???  Honey, I’m trying to GIVE you MORE candy and you’ve already met your quota?!  Another young lady said, “No thanks, one is enough, I’ve already got a full bag.”  Oy, kiddos!  TAKE my candy, please!!!

It was a fun weekend, we attended several parties and took the kids to visit people.  I got my “quota” of adorable future blackmail pictures of my precious big boy as a peacock, and my 2 month old as a giraffe =)  I’m a happy lady.  Sad to pack away the Halloween decorations this coming week, but definitely looking forward to busting out my enormous Christmas decor collection!

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Mexican Two Bean Chicken Chili Recipe

Mexican Two Bean Chicken Chili = CHILI HEAVEN

I helped a girlfriend make this at her house last Friday night and it was deeee-licious!!!  It was super easy to make, tasted awesome, and it seems like it would be fairly easy to take out things you don’t like, add others, and adjust the spiciness level to suit your tastes.  I had to steal her recipe and share it with you!!!  It makes a lot, freezes well and is hearty enough that my hubbs wolfed his down and was satisfied.  Hey – works for me!


2 cups chicken broth

1 jar (16 oz) thick and chunky mild salsa

1 cup tomato sauce

1 medium zucchini coarsely chopped (about 1  1/4 cups)

1  1/2 cups black beans

1  1/2 cups pinto beans

1 cup whole kernel corn, drained

3 cups shredded cooked chicken

1 clove garlic, presed

1  1/2 – 2 tbsp chili powder

1 tsp ground cumin

Optional toppings such as shredded cheese, sour cream, crushed tortilla chips, sliced green onions or fresh cilantro leaves


1) Combine chicken broth, salsa and tomato sauce in a 4-qt. casserole dish.  Add zucchini, beans, corn, chicken, garlic, chili powder and cumin.  Bring to a boil; reduce hear and simmer 30 minutes.

2) Ladle chili into soup bowls and top with desired toppings.

Yield: 6 servings (10 cups)

Nutrients per serving:

1  2/3 cups: Calories 290, Total Fat 7g, Saturated Fat 1.5g, Cholesterol 60mg, Carbohydrate 29g, Protein 29g, Sodium 1740 mg, Fiber 8g


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October Favorites

~October Favorites~

I’m stealing this idea from my sister’s blog: www.einthepink.com

Here is my quicky for this week:

On this stunning fall day, I thought it would be appropriate to share some of my October Favorites to start the week!
With the weather and leaves changing, I’d say I’m liking the gorgeous spider mums right now.  Lime green, yellow, white – and what a cool shape they are!
Hmm…I’m digging my 40’s channel on XM radio, the Glenn Miller orchestra, the Andrews Sisters and Perry Como!
“Zack & Miri Make a Porno”.  Got it on Netflix a while back, and saw it on tv the other night.  So funny!
Sweet tea, as usual.
No reading….no time for reading.  I’ll get back to you on that one.
the smell of a log fire in the air when it’s cool in the evenings.
Coffee…we got a new single-cup coffee maker and I AM IN LOVE.  The French Vanilla and Pumpkin Spice, especially.
Nail Polish Color:
Sephora’s “Never Enough Shoes” & “I’m with Brad”
deli sandwiches
brownies….dense, fudgy yummyness

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