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Monthly Archive for October, 2011

Breastfeeding! The saga of the tatas: Part II

Well, folks, it’s official.  We are weaning my littlest little man.  By we, I mean me, but my husband has been so supportive and encouraging in this particular decision I feel like he deserves a ton of credit for being so awesome and letting me “handle” the primary source of nutrition for both our kids for so long….sitting out on most of their feedings when they were little because neither one wanted a bottle, missing out on the bedtime rocking because he wasn’t the one with the boobs…He has been awesome about it, and I feel like we were true partners on this one.

It has been a natural progression for Zeb and I, nothing rushed or abrupt.  After I got home from my Bahamas trip, I asked my husband to keep putting him to bed at night since he’d been going to sleep without nursing for several evenings.  And after two mornings of nursing, I kinda just wanted to see if we could go without…and so we did.  The “ladies” definitely got a little full, but not overly engorged.  And it’s been a week and a half and all is going great!  I’m a little sad because this may or may not be our last kiddo, but I’m thrilled that we could provide this for our boys and over the moon that we could do it for so long!  It’s a sweet and gentle end to a tender bond.  I’m one happy mama.  Bonus – I get to go bra shopping in a few months for bras that don’t pop open in the front!  Whooo!

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Bahama Mama

Bahama Mama!

I spent a lovely long weekend in Nassau celebrating a childhood friend’s tropical wedding.  Her groom is from Nassau so different events were hosted at various family member’s homes and the ceremony and reception were at a swanky/hostorical country club (can I use both those words together??) My hotel was beautiful, I met lots of the happy couple’s friends and had some buddies to hang out with all weekend, which was great – I probably would not have gone exploring on my own).  I tried conch fritters, hiked all over the island, read an ENTIRE book in one sitting (poolside under an umbrella, of course!) and danced Bahamian-style with Bahamian natives!  Here is a sampling of my “holiday” ~

view from my balcony (niiiiice, huh?)

orchid growing out of a tree

rehearsal dinner

canon in old fort bay club

wedding cake

the bride’s shoes & bouquet

the bride & moi!

cool mural

I love the colors there!

The Queen’s Staircase

the cloister

at the cloister (photo by phong lang)

cabbage beach near sunset

paradise beach

my mosaic matching tushie (photo by phong lang)

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Pumpkin time!!!

Pumpkin Time!

This past weekend marked the beginning of my FAVORITE MONTH EV-ARRRRR!  Yes, I love October.  I love it so much, I’d be a polygamist for it and marry it, too.  I adore fall and all it brings with it ~ the cooler temperatures, the stunning tree colors, the crispness in the air, the Dixie classic Fair, the pumpkin everything (coffee, cake, bread, patches), Halloween (I still dress up, thankyouverymuch).  I just adore it.  It is the transition period … the nice wind down after a hoppin’ (blistering HOT) summer just before all of the late fall and early winter activities and holidays pick up.  Perfection in my book!  The past few days here have been in the 60’s with lows in the 40’s at night.  I repeat – I.  Am.  In.  Love!

We went to our favorite pumpkin patch tonight with the little ones to pick out the seasonal outdoor home decorations and take the precious and treasured pumpkin pictures.  This is the same church pumpkin patch that I went to as a child, so it has really personal meaning for me, and I am tickled that I take my kids there now, too.  Here are a few of my favorites from earlier tonight.

Happy Happy Fall, y’all!

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