30 Days of Thanksgiving
I’m a few days behind, but I thought this was a lovely idea and wanted to share.
November 1 ~ I am thankful for my improving health. Weight loss is a journey I’ve put off for a long time, but the benefits are already noticeable. I want to be around for a long time to annoy love on my husband and kiddos.
November 2 ~ I am thankful for my husband. He is beyond awesome and I am a lucky gal to have him beside me. We met in 1998, started dating in 2002, I asked him to marry me in 2003 and we were married in 2004. The years with him have been the happiest of my life.
November 3 ~ I am thankful for the perfection of the weather today and the autumn walk I took with my little boys. We jumped in leaves, looked at bugs, counted pumpkins on porches and said hello to the goats on the farm near us.
November 4 ~ I am thankful for coffee. Yes, it may not be a “deep thought”, but man, I love my java in the morning.
November 5 ~ I am thankful for such amazing friends who love us enough to drive 6 hours (each way) to see us just for a quick weekend.
November 6 ~ I am thankful 1) for this glorious sunny Sunday with all of my handsome men 2) for our farewell breakfast with friends 3) for our time outside and 4) for an easy morning transition from daylight savings time.
November 7 ~ I am thankful for my two precious little boys, they are the delights of my heart.
November 8 ~ I am thankful for the awesome folks at our local Ace Hardware. Seeing them first thing on a Monday morning just starts the day off right, and the little ones love going there! (So does mama, they always have super cute seasonal decor).
November 9 ~ I am thankful for the people who have the training to make my little one feel better. Boo for ear infections. And I am thankful for my youngest son’s ability to make his big brother smile and laugh when no one else can.
November 10 ~ I am thankful for days like this that test me as a wife and mother…patience, energy, nurturing, patience….and hope I come out a better person because of the hard days.
November 11 ~ I am thankful for this unexpected extra day with my hubby at home (we are in quarantine for two days while our antibiotics kick in – both of us tested positive for strep yesterday afternoon). We have some art projects with the kids lined up and are looking forward to some lazy time together and making grilled cheese & tomato soup for dinner!
November 12 ~ I am thankful for the opportunity to walk for “Make a Wish” foundation tonight with a good friend. What a perfect night for it and what a great charity to donate to. the kids I saw tonight who benefit from this organization made my heart smile.
November 13 ~ I am thankful for the small miracle of sleeping toddlers. The boys’ wonderful habits allow my husband and I to have some nightly grown-up time for movies, snuggling, household puttering, etc. Without my kiddos’ sleep patterns so smoothly set and maintained, I would not be nearly as functional on a daily basis. And I think I’d have less hair…
November 14 ~ I am thankful for the opportunity to be out & about again today. I sometimes need a mandatory break at home to remember how much I take for granted the gift of good health & ability to hop in the car and run here and there whenever I want to.
November 15 ~ I am thankful for quiet evenings at home with my husband…after the kids go to sleep, I mean. The snuggle time and quiet talks or catching up on a favorite show. It’s a much treasured part of my day.
November 16 ~ I am thankful for my mama. I love the childhood she helped provide for me by being a stay-at-home mom. I love that I inherited her artistic capabilities. I love that she has become my friend as the years have passed. I love that my boys adore their “Ting”! I, myself, am turning into her now – and I’m ok with that!
November 17 ~ I am thankful for a morning of mommy-time and all the little things I can accomplish in the few hours I have to myself, though I am always elated to pick my little men up at noon!
November 18 ~ I am thankful for the brisk chill outside, the frosty grass this morning and the cozy house around us that keeps us snug and warm.
November 19 ~ I am thankful for our first official Christmas light drive/hunt last night with the boys. The noises and exclamations from the backseat were precious and priceless!
November 20 ~ I am thankful for the opportunity to have had dinner with some of my closest girlfriends last night. Laughter, wine and some fondue – sharing, reminiscing and making fresh memories. Thankful for the amazing women in my life, some of whom are far away right now…but I couldn’t make it without them all and they all enrich my life greatly.
November 21 ~ I am thankful for the lovely temperature today – it gives me the chance to play outside with the boys and bask in the sunshine, enjoying their curiosity and abundant enthusiasm for the giant leaf pile!
November 22 ~ I am thankful for my mommy time while the boys are at preschool. It’s only a few hours a week ~ and whether I spend them puttering at home, going to a personal appointment of some kind, running errands, or having girl time with my mom or sisters ~ it is time well spent, well deserved and well treasured!
November 23 ~ I am thankful for the gift of hearing. The sounds and exclamations my boys make when hunting for all of the Christmas lights now being displayed, the oohs and ahhs while we are baking and unpacking the decor. The songs my three year old comes home from school singing…they are all precious sounds to me and I am thankful for each noise and looking forward to their enchanting chorus over the years to come.
November 24 ~ I am thankful for the new-ish Thanksgiving gathering we have begun. Definitely different than the out of town gigantic gatherings at my grandparents’ house that I cherished in childhood, and definitely different without my dad or my mother-in-law in our earthly presence anymore. But we’re adjusting and moving forward and we’re loving who we have even more. It’s a more intimate day now, but it suits us fine. We just want to spend time together and let the kiddos play.
November 25 ~ I am thankful for a lovely day with my boys and our road trip to Sparta, NC (Joe Edwards Tree Farm to be specific) to get our giant tree and big fluffy front door wreath. The choose & cut tree experience is something I never did until my husband and I started dating, and it’s an essential part of our holiday shin-diggery now. I love that we’re doing it with our kiddos and hope it’s something they develop fond memories of.
November 26 ~ I am thankful for day three of continual family time! More Christmas decorating is being done and special treats here and there for the boys – a splash of chocolate in their milk, a drive in daddy’s big truck…love my handsome men.
November 27 ~ I am thankful for the stunning weather we have had all weekend, allowing us to accomplish a lot of household/outdoor & decorative puttering.
November 28 ~ I am thankful for this fabulous evening with so many of the wonderful women in my life. I appreciate all of your laughter, friendship and skill with decorating the giant tree! Thank you for your time! And also, thank you to my husband for taking the little boys out tonight to give mommy some child-free girl time!
November 29 ~ I am thankful for all my friends. From childhood, adulthood or somewhere in-between, I adore you one and all. Whether we see one another once a day, once a month, once a year or if it has been longer than that. I appreciate your unique talents and delightful spirits that meld so well with mine. If I am lucky enough to call you friend, then I am lucky enough.
November 30 ~ I am thankful for healthy, happy little boys who are able to run amok at gymnastics this morning. I am following several blogs of women and families who have had such sadness and tragedy, whose little ones are suffering greatly or have lost their fights…I have more than a dozen girlfriends and/or relatives who have lost pregnancies…and I just weep. It is so easy to take my boys for granted when they throw a fit or have an “off day”, when I need to strive to remember the gift I have of healthy children and constantly maintain a grateful heart.