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Monthly Archive for May, 2012

Hmm…does this excessive snacking make my butt look big?

Hmm…does this excessive snacking make my butt look big?

Happy post-Memorial Day, y’all!  I’m doing this quickie weight-loss update post to tell you that not every week is easy, and as much as I seem to be sailing through the weight loss process I can testify that each day, each meal, each snack is a decision and a struggle.  Still.

We had a lovely long weekend that we spent quietly at home taking care of some MAJOR yard maintenance that we have neglected since the kids were born.  Man, we had our work cut out for us and after a grueling three days I can say that our yard is spit spot and the upkeep should be a lot easier now that the bulk of the work is done.  We pruned trees, hacked back most of our shrubbery that had turned into trees, pulled weeds (lots.  and lots. of weeds.) and pine needled EVERYTHING.

Between the combo of serious physical exertion and profuse sweating, I thought I could get away with some serious snacking because I felt hungry.  Some fruit, but lots of nilla wafers, peanut butter crackers, cheese, carb-y things in general (the stuff I was getting out for the kids).  I was munching all day on and off for three days while we were outside working and playing.  I felt pretty good about my meal choices (small sandwiches, grilled chicken, steamed veggies) so I wasn’t concerned about that, but when I got on the scale Monday morning to check myself I had an “oh, sh*t” moment.  I was up over three pounds!  Um…my increased activity level had not counterbalanced my increased snacking (at least not the kinds of things I chose to snack on).  Oh damn.  So, I kicked myself in the ass and gave myself a stern talking to and jumped back on my bandwagon immediately.  As of my official Jenny weigh in this morning I was only .6 pounds above my weigh-in weight from last week (whew!) and have no intention of repeating my behavior from Memorial Day weekend.  Lesson learned.  Moving on.  I am at 162.6 today and have 12.6 pounds to my goal.  I can dooooo eeeeet!

Have a good one y’all.  And if you have an off day or off week once in a while, don’t get all depressed and upset about it.  Evaluate the choices you made whether they were good or bad, and learn from it.  Move forward and do better next time with your new knowledge.

Have a good one, friends!

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June Personal Challenge

My June Personal Challenge

I am quite the shopper.  Part of it I think is ingrained in female genetic codes, part of it I think is hereditary (haha).  But these last few months in particular I think I have gone a bit overboard a bit too regularly.  I will fully admit to building back up my wardrobe recently since not a stitch of clothing fit me anymore having gone from a size 20 to a 10 (and counting!) in the last 11 months.  Jeans, tops, sundresses, undies and bras – all new.  I have been an excellent bargain shopper, though.  I purchased underthings at the local Hanes Brands Outlet during their buy 1 get one 50% off (at their already awesome outlet prices).  Target, Old Navy & TJ Maxx have supplied many of my easy warm weather sundresses, tops and jeans most of which is under $30 a pop.  I have raided several consignment shops and found killer deals there on some really gorgeous stuff and even a few Lilly Pulitzer items in “new with tags” condition.  And my shopping trip to Atlanta with my sister this past January gave me a nice selection, too.  I shop for the boys on and off when I see things, though they really (REALLY) don’t NEED anything.  At all.  My little one in particular has access to ALL hand me downs from my three year old and my three nephews!

I am also a bit of a product whore, as a few of my posts may have revealed.  If I see a new product that I’ve read good reviews on, I’ll pick one up at the drugstore next time I’m in.  It isn’t unusual for me to have two or three shampoos in rotation at one time, and I’m a sucker for cosmetic products in general.  Seasonal trends, limited edition collections (by MAC usually), glosses, creams, mascaras……ooooh ~ I love me some mascara, primers, potions, concealers, powders, nail polishes…if it’s in the beauty aisles, there’s a good chance I’ll be interested.  And I can say, too, that I really (REALLY) don’t NEED anything.  At all.

As the boys and I go to the mall one afternoon every other week or so to do a lap, say hi to the indoor choo choo train and maybe get a cookie, something inevitably catches my eye and I steer the stroller into GAP or Banana Republic or whichever department store to see what cute things I can find on the sale racks that fit my new frame.  But my closet is seriously full and the only remnant of me as a Former Fat Girl is my favorite pair of Calvin Klein jeans.  I’m in trouble this coming fall & winter because I have no cold weather clothes ;) but for the coming southeastern humid heat wave that we call summer, I am set.

And I’ve thought about this a lot lately.  I have not been a good steward of our funds.  Yes, our pantry and fridge have all the necessities plus some, and yes the kids are clothed and happy with their toys and gadgets.  But we don’t NEED anything.  I am issuing myself the challenge of not buying anything extra/frivolous/unnecessary for the entire month of June.  No clothes for me or the kids.  No makeup.  No random household items or decor.  No impulse purchases.  I don’t mean not replenishing toothpaste or deodorant or things like that…the necessities.  Just using this as a time to use what I have.  To go shopping in my closet for outfits, to go shopping in my bathroom drawers and cabinets for toiletries.  I have my husband and my kids and they are what I truly NEED.  My boys are the delight of my heart.  School is out for the summer, the pool is open now (hooray!) and we have plenty of activities to keep us busy in and out of the house and this might be just what I NEED.  A type of cleansing.  A refreshing break from the consumer market maybe?

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend thus far!  We have had an amazingly productive and active day outdoors.  After dropping off my car for a tire rotation and having a hearty breakfast at Duke’s, we slopped on our sunscreen (SPF 4,227) and set to work trimming trees and bushes all around the house, pulling more weeds *OY*, pine needling everything, playing in the sprinkler with the kids…and we ended the day with a Papa John’s picnic in the driveway before showers all around and a group story time tonight before bed.

Cheers to a long weekend and genuinely striving to appreciate all that you already have.  “Joy is not in things; it is in us.” ~ Richard Wagner

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Sir Seersucker & Princess Pink ~ ENGAGED!

Sir Seersucker & Princess Pink ~ ENGAGED!

Precisely one week ago my younger sister and her long-time beau became officially engaged!  They have entrusted their collective North Carolina lady-folk with the larger plans and phone calls.  And I am happy to report that one week into the engagement:

Church & Favored Mininster – CHECK

Reception Venue – CHECK

Florist – CHECK

Band – returning my return phone call tomorrow (we’re playing phone tag)

Photographer – awaiting return phone call & may go stalk their studio sometime this week

Cake – appointment in June to discuss design

I have already pre-ordered my 2013 Lilly Pulitzer agenda, which should get here in mid-July so I can begin detailing the to-do’s and appointments we can expect over the next 12 months.  If you can’t tell, I’m a wee bit excited!  Elizabeth is the baby of our family, and her fiance (ooh – I like using that word), Calen, is an only child, so both families are just head over heels about the news!  And  we just adore Calen.  He’s been a regular part of the family for many years now and he has been “Uncle” Calen to our kids and nephews since the moment each was born.

Can’t wait to post more as things progress (with my sister’s permission, of course).  Have a happy week, y’all!

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May Day!

May Day!

I posted about this two years ago, but to summarize May Day is a tradition with the women in my family.  You run outside at first light (or before) and locate the perfect patch of grass before kneeling down and giving the grass a raspberry…technically speaking and the sound effects are optional.  This is an imperative part of our beauty regimen and supposedly keeps you looking gorgeous for the next 12 months.  I took pictures this morning during my jaunt to the back yard at about 6:40 a.m for your viewing pleasure (and perhaps a visual aid for you when you start this odd ritual next May first).  And here is the link to my original post:  http://artbydot.com/?p=38

The side area of our backyard

Me at 6:40 a.m.

Step 1: Remove your glasses

Step 2: Test the waters

Step 3: Kneel down and get a good look at your dewy selection

Step 4: Stick your face in the grass.  No, really.  Do it.

Emerge looking like this:

You’re welcome!

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