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Monthly Archive for November, 2010

Favorite November Things ~

Some of my favorite November Things ~

French Toast Coffee – yes, it does exist and it is deeeee-licious!

Waiting for the Christmas channels to start on XM radio (they’re coming on the 12th this year – can’t wait!)

Gingerbread lattes @ Starbucks…enough said!

FINALLY getting cooler temperatures around here and getting out all my fabulous sweaters and snuggly scarves!

Mailing out our Christmas party invitations!  A big CHECK off my to-do list!

More sunshine in the morning.  The way early sunset stinks, but the bright sun in the early hours helps me get up!

Seeing my breath in the air at night…

HARRY POTTER coming to theaters on the 18th! Excited about a date night with the hubbs!!  Yes, I’m a nerd, I know.  But H.P. is awesome.

My cherry red Christmas pedicure!

Starting the decorating process around the house

Eating chili on chilly evenings =)

The countdown till Christmas!!!   47 Days if I’m correct in my quick count!

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I recently went to my dermatologist to find a fix for some mild bumpies on my jawline that haven’t really gone away since they popped up during pregnancy.  My little man is nearly three months old now, I figured it was time to banish the blemishes and I hoped to get the “good stuff” prescriptions that I was not able to take while preggy.  Alas, I cannot have them while nursing either, so I will wait, and continue using the approved cream to prevent more extensive imperfections from appearing while my hormones go nutso and try to find balance after giving birth.

I decided to go ahead and ask about a few lines on my forehead that have bothered me a bit recently.  They’re definitely full on lines when I wrinkly my forehead or raise my eyebrows, but there are faint traces of said lines when I am making no expression at all.  The good news, the doc told me, is that they are not caused by aging or by sun damage *YAY*…the bad news is that they are caused by muscle movement and repetition and the only remedy now or later is….BOTOX.  I stared at her.  She looked right back at my stricken face.  I was mildly panicked.  I don’t really have an issue with Botox if that’s what makes a woman happy and makes her feel better about herself, but I had never in my mind applied that thought to myself.  I mean, I JUST turned 30 in August!!!  Me…Botoxed?!?!?!  I scrambled to find my mental function again and told her I was hoping she could laser them off or acid peel my face or something.  No, she explained calmly – those are options for aging and sun damage, which I am thankful I don’t have to deal with now.

I said okie dokie and left with my cream prescription, still puzzling the surprise B-word that came up at my appointment.  I guess I always thought Botox was for older women with major grooves etched on their faces.  I can’t define my idea of older, but I am not my definition of “older“…in my head I probably never will be, right?  So for now I have my fine fine lines, that no one but be would probably give a second glance or even notice at all.  I’ll keep thinking, and exploring the option for when I’m a little more mature…another 10-15 years from now.  But for now, my lines are my lines and they don’t bother be enough to Botox myself at the age of 30.  I’d rather have the ability to control my facial expressions and deal with the little tiny lines, than get Botox and maybe end up looking like her:

For now I will say cheers to aging, y’all!

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Things I don’t get: Thing 1


Wow – it’s been FOREVER!  I’m a slacker, but now with two little men there is limited or no “me time”.  My me time consists now of laundry, dishes, and maybe a shower if I’m lucky!!  Before baby #2, I could still do those necessary house things and still have me time that didn’t involve housework.

I am starting a new series within my blog titled, “Things I Don’t Get”.  Out and about in the everyday world, we see, hear, or experience things we simply don’t get and should probably look up on google or something.  But I prefer to ponder, exclaim over and be amazed by odd, unusual, weird, crazy, or just plain stupid things/people.

So, Thing 1 on my list is people who jog/walk in the street when there is a sidewalk available 3 feet from them.  Our neighborhood has a mixture of streets with and without sidewalks, some with sidewalks lining either side of the road.  I continually wonder why on earth some exercisers must stay out in the road when there’s a daggum sidewalk RIGHT NEXT TO THEM.  Joggers, walkers, men, women, people with dogs, people with strollers, multiple persons walking side by side who expect traffic to move way out of the way to navigate their cars around them….really???  It’s called a sideWALK for a reason and it was put there for y’all!  If there isn’t one available, fine, I get that you should be in the road (do note that certain heavily trafficked, non-residential-y type roads should be reconsidered when judging appropriate exercise routes).

I came across a gentleman runner one evening, it was well after 10pm, it was obviously dark, it was raining, and he was jogging not only in the street, but on the wrong side of the street.  I’m not 100% sure, but I believe pedestrian rules/etiquette says that you walk facing traffic so you will always see the traffic on your side as it approaches.  This guy, out running in the rain in the dark, was in the road with his back to me.  STUPID.  Stupid, I say.

With all pedestrian traffic who choose not to use the provided sidewalks all I really want to do is lay on the horn the entire time I’m slowing up to go around them and rig a scrolling LED sign attached to the top of my car like the pizza delivery guys that says “GET OUT OF THE STREET!!!   THERE’S A SIDEWALK JUST TO YOUR LEFT!!!  TAX DOLLARS ARE WASTED MAINTAINING SOMETHING YOU AREN’T USING!!!  WHY MUST YOU INSIST ON WALKING IN THE ROAD ANYWAY??”  Maybe I’ll make the sign.  My husband probably knows how.  Then I can use it to notify other motorists that they forgot to use their turn signal, or that there is a lane divider and they need to stay on their side…or that the phone attached to their ear is hindering their driving performance (see previous post on driving while chatting).

So, that’s Thing 1.

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