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About ME!

Photo by Mark Perry

Hi!  I’m Dot!

I’m a perpetually happy girl and I love being “creative” – in home decor, on canvas, in the kitchen, in the garden – whatever the medium!  On any given day you’ll find me heading out of the house in workout gear with messy hair.

I am CRAZY IN L♥VE with my husband, Matt & our little boys, Evan and Zebedee.  They are the delights of my heart and I love spending my days with them.

my children & husband, my nephews, world travel, the color PiNk!, PURE BARRE, painting, gardening, pedicures, baking and making the house smell YUMMY, spontaneous and random road trips, SPARKLY things & GLITTER, reading (when I have the time!), live music, written correspondence & beautiful stationery, movies, shopping, raspberry sorbet, polka dot socks, COFFEE, flowers (especially stargazer lilies & peonies), and keeping up with friends!

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