Is it spring break yet???
The boys’ spring break is still a whole week away and we are more than ready. The school usually lines it up with Easter as one of the bookend weekends, which is lovely…usually. Unless Easter is in mid-April. The stretch of time between Christmas break and Spring break has been nearly excruciatingly long and the kids’ behavior is morphing into the butthead zone, their patience and general kindness towards one another is waning and the oldests’ temperament towards homework is shifting. They are tired and run down and I can tell. Please tell me mine aren’t the only ones who get irritable and asshole-y around this point in the school year?
My other concern with spring break falling so late on the calendar, is that by the time they go back they only have 5 weeks of school left before summer. My fear is that they’ll mentally checkout after their week off and I won’t be able to get them back on track. I vote for spring break to always be in March no matter when Easter is, and give a 3-day weekend to observe Easter if it doesn’t line up.
I’m quite excited this year that we aren’t scheduled to do anything. We don’t have a trip planned, I didn’t sign the boys up for a gymnastics day camp, and we are free of obligations for a week! I ideally would love to have a stay-in-our-pajamas-all-day day (preferably on a yucky weather day). And I would love to take the boys on special adventures out of our normal routine. Picnics, favorite parks or hiking areas, painting some pottery, visiting the zoo, a lunch date with daddy downtown, a friend date in Charlotte…We shall check the weather and see where the wind blows us. I have a couple of ideas but want to ask the kids what they want to do. I’m ready to make some happy and inexpensive memories!
I look forward to sharing what we get ourselves into.
What do y’all like to do for family memory adventures?
Memory Lane
Yesterday we road tripped to my childhood summer camp to take advantage of their open house. My husband has been wanting to visit since he didn’t go there and we wanted to give the kids a visual feast that would amp up their excitement levels about future attendance. It was a beautiful day for it – sunny, low 60’s, chilly in the shade and definitely the first time I’ve been there wearing a jacket. I wasn’t sure what to expect as far as the open house layout and itinerary. There wasn’t a strict schedule for anyone, more like pairing a couple families together with a guide and taking a leisurely walking tour.
I loved seeing what’s been upgraded, what’s the same. I had a few hardcore dejavu moments and the memory floodgates opened wide. It made me wish I had attended longer – I stopped going when I started babysitting during the summer. It made me wish I had been a counselor. Can they have a grown-up camp session? Please? I call top bunk!
We were touring with a family that lived much closer to camp and our guide was a former camper/counselor and has now been working there for 11 years. The other family’s 10-year old son was interested in the day camp, but his parents wanted him to see all the cool bonuses to living there for two weeks. His mom was thrilled with me and my stories and memories of being a camper. My two boys really enjoyed seeing the cabins, riflery range, ropes course and water activity area. The camp is parked on 100(ish) acres with over a mile of lakefront shoreline. The wide range of land AND water sports is a huge draw and my oldest definitely got the twinkle in his eye while we explored and asked questions.
I need to look at our summer schedule and see what weeks we would be free for him to attend and see if we can make it happen. I think the freedom from parents, the access to the sports and activities the camp offers, and being able to learn about social cues from peers and mentor counselors is a huge plus for kids both on the social and educational scale. Plus, if he loves it he can probably talk little brother into it next summer and continue attending until he is eligible counselor age.
We parlayed our road trip into an afternoon play date and dinner with some dear friends who live in that area. It was a perfect family Sunday, and I’m so happy the weather cooperated!
Happy First Day of Spring, y’all!
Daylight Savings Smackdown
Oh my heavens, y’all. The twice yearly time shift has never been much of an issue for me or for our kiddos in their brief history on the planet. But something about this year perhaps – the spring shift forward and loss of an hour has us all kinds of jacked up but in opposite times of day. We never make a big deal about the shift, we keep the kids’ same bedtime & wakeup routine, and tough they might yawn a lot that first morning we carry on as normal.
But Sunday evening…ohhhhh Sunday evening was a battle. We had dinner at our regular 6:00 time frame and happened to finish quickly, which gave us plenty of wind down playroom minutes before bedtime (that routine starts at 7:00 and we wrap up stories at 8:00). Our free time was up and we began to usher the boys towards their bathrooms for toothbrushing, but they both seemed shocked and insisted it was too early for bed. The sun is still out, it’s too early, we aren’t tired yet. As their daddy and I attempted to explain “Daylight Savings” they argued about the concept and then changed to “whyyyy did you make us eat dinner so early?”
We resorted to kid friendly YouTube videos to help us out and try to show them that we aren’t lying and making it all up as a scam to get them in bed earlier than normal. And after 20 minutes of various videos we had eaten up a large chunk of story time and it was getting dark as we left their rooms and there was no further struggle. But geeeeeeez.
On the flip side, I am normally able to pop out of bed at my first 5:00am alarm and get my booty down on the treadmill for my daily date. It’s not fun, I don’t enjoy it but it’s not difficult to do. I have been dragging so bad the last few mornings. My sis-in-law calls it a “life hangover”. I have hit SNOOZE 36 times and gotten up in time to get the kids up and get everyone out the door on time and found my stride around 9:00am in the middle of my barre class. And yes, I have made up my missing mileage later in the morning but then it takes time from my “get sh*t done while the kids are at school” time. So I need to quit griping tomorrow and just GET UP. I’m a grown woman and I can doooooo eeeeet!
Has anyone else been smacked in the face with this time change more than usual?What are some things you do to get back on track quickly?

I Haven’t Been a Kind Person Recently.
I have been increasingly disgruntled with one tiny, fairly insignificant thing in my life and I started hardcore yapping about it to anyone who would listen in a rather bitchy gossip-y way instead of immediately taking it to the appropriate persons to look into.
I generally try to be a spreader of cheer and positivity and I have utterly failed in my resolution regarding this item. It has made me feel like a yucky person inside and I am working to correct my actions. I hate that several people’s view of me may have been affected by my smack talk and I’m learning a grown up lesson right now. Once the words are out, they can’t be put back.
While I’m less than proud of myself, I’m also glad to share this part of me with y’all so you can learn from it as well. It’s going to take much longer to recover from this blunder than it did to actually commit it and darn sure I’ll think twice and act differently if I ever find myself in a similar situation.
I don’t want to lend negative thoughts to the universe, I don’t want to impose them on other people and I don’t want to waste space in my mind or my heart with them either. Life is too short to be anything less than happy, and that includes being happy within myself and with how I treat others.
Hello my darlings!
It has been way too long and I have no excuses. Two and a half years gone by. My sons are six and eight now *holy cow* and I’m…well, two and a half years older than I was at my last post.
Since the beginning of 2017 I have been involved in a project with a childhood friend – details will be discussed more in a coming post. However, this project has reinvigorated my desire to be creative on canvas, on my blog, with my kids, and in my sketchbook to name a few mediums. It has also reinvigorated my desire to be purposefully joyful, compassionate and loving to fellow humans. My blog brings me joy, the written word makes me happy as a method of correspondence and story sharing so here I sit. I’m at my boys’ Taekwondo studio listening to them count in Korean after it took me 20+ minutes to decode my login user name and password. Y’all, I’m getting ollllld and my remaining brain cells are tired! I’m shocked it didn’t take me longer to log in considering my rather lengthy siesta.
I won’t promise a regular schedule yet, though my starting goal is twice a week. And I hope to make this more interactive. If you have questions for me or topics you want to read my take on, please ask me and it can be a “Dear Dotty” type of segment. I will not discuss religion or politics – my blog is my happy place and I’d dearly like to keep it that way.
But, hello again friends! Some old friends might forgive me and come back to read and I hope new friends will join us as we laugh our way through life, friendship, parenthood and gallons of coffee.
Thanks for having me back, interweb family. I missed y’all.

Photo by Mark Perry