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Tag Archive for 'spring break'

Is it Spring Break Yet???

Is it spring break yet???

The boys’ spring break is still a whole week away and we are more than ready.  The school usually lines it up with Easter as one of the bookend weekends, which is lovely…usually.  Unless Easter is in mid-April.  The stretch of time between Christmas break and Spring break has been nearly excruciatingly long and the kids’ behavior is morphing into the butthead zone, their patience and general kindness towards one another is waning and the oldests’ temperament towards homework is shifting.  They are tired and run down and I can tell.  Please tell me mine aren’t the only ones who get irritable and asshole-y around this point in the school year?

My other concern with spring break falling so late on the calendar, is that by the time they go back they only have 5 weeks of school left before summer.  My fear is that they’ll mentally checkout after their week off and I won’t be able to get them back on track.  I vote for spring break to always be in March no matter when Easter is, and give a 3-day weekend to observe Easter if it doesn’t line up.

I’m quite excited this year that we aren’t scheduled to do anything. We don’t have a trip planned, I didn’t sign the boys up for a gymnastics day camp, and we are free of obligations for a week!  I ideally would love to have a stay-in-our-pajamas-all-day day (preferably on a yucky weather day).  And I would love to take the boys on special adventures out of our normal routine.  Picnics, favorite parks or hiking areas, painting some pottery, visiting the zoo, a lunch date with daddy downtown, a friend date in Charlotte…We shall check the weather and see where the wind blows us.  I have a couple of ideas but want to ask the kids what they want to do.  I’m ready to make some happy and inexpensive memories!

I look forward to sharing what we get ourselves into.

What do y’all like to do for family memory adventures?

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