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Monthly Archive for September, 2012

A quick mountain getaway…

A quick mountain getaway…

This past weekend we packed up the boys &headed for the hills to meet our dear dear friends at the perfect midway point for us both ~ beautiful Asheville, NC!  It was a whirlwind quickie, but we made good use of our time, with our itinerary looking a bit like this:

Friday evening ~arrive, unload, late dinner on the patio at a cantina

Saturday morning ~ breakfast together, then menfolk watched the three little boys while the mamas went window shopping

Saturday afternoon ~ lunch together, then mamas took over with the kiddos while the daddies went to golf!

Saturday evening ~ another precious couple met us all at the hotel with their stunning daughter who was to be in charge of the kiddos that evening while we got fancy and went out

Sunday ~ packing, breakfast, quick stroll downtown and departure….


We must definitely do it again sometime!  Here are a few moments from our adventure:

The boys riding the piggie statues

Aunt Amy, Adison & Evan

All five guys checking out the “firetruck house”

Adison & Evan and “the cool old fashioned truck”

(L to R)  Amy & Grey, me & Matt, Julie & Paul

My honey bunny and me

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Well, folks.  I hit it.  150, I mean.  This past Wednesday morning.  Again, Mrs. Chatterbox is at a loss for words to properly express my elation/joy/hysteria/pride.  I will revisit my starting stats from June 1, 2012 and provide my measurements from today, September 7, 2012:

June 1, 2011 starting weight: 246.8

September 5, 2012 goal weight: 150.2

96.8 pounds lost!

Bust: 50  / 37                      13 inch difference

Waist: 45  /  31                14 inch difference

Abdomen: 54  /  39.5          14.5 inch difference

Hips: 54  /  40                  15 inch difference

Upper Arm: 17  /  12          5 inch difference

I will post a picture from the beach last week (not perfect, but I’ll try to get a new one taken ASAP!) and one of my first “before” shots.  I asked my consultant about attacking three more pounds to make it a nice even ~one hundred~.  So I might do that.  It’s on like Donkey Kong!  Those three would be just for me.

It’s late – I will most likely fluff up this post a couple days down the road.  Just HAD to share!  Whooooopie!

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