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Monthly Archive for March, 2012

Happy Spring!

Happy Spring!

As I mentioned in a previous post, winters in NC vary greatly and the winter season of 2011-2012 was um….non-existent.  I have hung our heavy coats in the back of our closets, packed away the boys’ scarves, hats and and fleecy warm stuff.  And my precious sister and her beau, the boys’ beloved Auntie & Uncle Calen, came home for spring break and were kind enough to take on the annual spring/Easter bunny photo shoot.  My sis is our fabulous photographer and Calen was a gem, as always, and volunteered to don the suit.  He’s done this before for us, so he’s a pro!  Here are a few of my FAVES ~ enjoy!  And since it is officially springtime, I bid you blooming good wishes for fresh breezes and baskets of colorful blossoms in your yard.

This is Evan’s giant “cheeeeeeese” smile.

Sorry about the runny nose in this one – mama didn’t see it until after the “shoot” was done.

I promise I didn’t let Zeb scream for too long!

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Fluffy to Fabulous Update

Fluffy to Fabulous Update

***WARNING:*** This post has before & current photos that are swimwear related.  Sit down, take a deep breath, and read on if you care to.  If you have no desire to see me in a bathing suit “before” or “after”, skip the rest of this post and carry on with your day!

It’s bathing suit time, so I am taking the plunge (pun intended) and doing a bathing suit edition of my weight loss update.  As of this week’s weigh-in I am at 168.4 pounds, which is now equal to 78.4 pounds LOST!  Whooooooooooooooooooo!  I am so excited about this, I cannot even properly translate my elation into words.

The first two are from July 2011, approximately one month after I started my Jenny Craig journey (pardon the “bathroom mirror self-portrait”):

My weight here is around 230 pounds (I can look it up and be specific in a bit).

Here I am today – seriously, just 15 minutes ago in my living room.  I am at 168.4.  This is me ~ lumps, bumps, thighs and all.  No retouching of any kind (truthfully, I don’t even know how to do that!)  And though I’m not perfect, and never ever will be, I am becoming the best version of myself that I can.  And that is something I am very happy about and proud of.

These are add-ons that I took May 22, 2012 before I took last year’s bathing suit to the consignment shop.  I’m at 162 now!

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Mama’s Musings…

Mama’s Musings…

I think I have figured out the answer to one of the mysteries of the universe…

“Sleeping in” isn’t really an option anymore with kids in the house.  Sleeping in for me now is 7am vs. 6:15-6:30 if I want to shower & blow dry before our day begins.  Pre-kiddos a typical weekend involved late nights with friends or movies with the hubby and a leisurely rousing sometime before lunch.  Ahhh, yes, the old days.  So it has taken me over three years to figure out how to reverse sleep in.  It kind of puts a dent in the few coveted evening hours with your hunny, but every once in a while if you go to bed very shortly after you put the kids to bed you get to sneak in a few extra hours of sleep.  My light bulb turned on when I had this epiphany, and I feel like a mega-genius.  So – go forth into the world…and once in a while, tuck yourself into bed at 8:30.

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