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NYC Ladies’ Trip

NYC Ladies’ Trip

My lady crew and I can occasionally get organized enough to plan simultaneous childcare and get outta town for a couple days.  It’s not annual (but damn, it should be), and we have traditionally gone places we can drive to easily.  This year, though, we got adventurous.  With the inspiration from one, the group scheduled a 3-night excursion to New York City.  Two of my traveling companions had never been before, so we knew we wanted to see as much as possible in the time allotted.

We made two breakfast reservations and booked two evening shows, then took everyone’s wish list into consideration and laced up our sneakers.

Here is the general overview of our days and I’ll add some photos, too.  I feel like we did a great job of sightseeing, window shopping, eating a variety of fabulous things and checking off our “must do” list.  We had an awesome time, but definitely felt the after effects of our non-stop schedule when we got home.  Next time I vote for a tropical island with cute cabana boys and colorful zippy drinks!  Where do you like to go with your friends?

NYC girly weekend overview:

Thursday 5/18
Hotel bag drop
Hotdog/pretzel cart
Dinner @ Dirt Candy
Times Square
Rockefeller Center
Momofuku Milk Bar
Empire State Building at midnight
Friday 5/19
Breakfast @ Big Daddy’s
9/11 Memorial & Museum
Battery Park
Lady Liberty sighting
Late lunch @ Dos Caminos
Shopping/Chelsea Market
Hotel refresh
The Slipper Room Burlesque 8:30pm-1:30am
Saturday 5/20
Breakfast @ Big Daddy’s
Walk to MOOD Fabric
Lunch @ the Plaza
Central Park stroll
MET museum
Hotel refresh
Blue Man Group 8:00
Late dinner @ Mamak
Sunday 5/21
Breakfast @ Urbanspace
Walk down 5th
NYC knock knack shop
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral
Victoria’s Secret costume exhibit
Coffee @ Gregory’s
Hotel – pack it up
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