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Monthly Archive for August, 2010

Our new little man is here!

Our new little man in here!!!

As of 5:44 a.m. on Friday, August 13th, 2010, my handsome son has arrived!  He made us wait nearly a week past his due date, but when he decided he was ready – oh boy!  He was ready right then!  Labor was less than three hours from start to delivery and we were only at the hospital for about 45 minutes before he was born…there wasn’t even enough time to get the epidural in properly, so I also (unintentionally) experienced natural childbirth.  Not something I wanted, but not something I regret…also not something I’m sure I want to repeat!  But it’s how it happened and it’s ok!  It was absolutely the most overwhelming pain I’ve ever felt, but because (in the big picture) it didn’t last that long, it was bearable.  Our son, Zebedee Bryan, is here, weighing in at a healthy 8 pounds and measuring at a lanky 22 inches!

Here is a picture of my precious big boy meeting little brother for the first time.  I’ll do another post, I’m sure, to encompass my general hospital experience (which has been great.  But I wanted to make the big announcement while it’s still new!

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“Sugarpuff’s” Nursery

“Sugarpuff’s” Nursery

Well….here I am.  unable to nap while my big little man is napping, and 2 days past Sugarpuff’s due date.  Yep.  “Baby Watch 2010″ is still ON!  I’m fine, I really feel great, but I’m getting antsy to meet my little little man.  Until then, here are a few pictures of his nursery.  A new ceiling fan has been installed since these were taken, but otherwise, this is the finished project, and I’m quite tickled with how well everything turned out.

I painted the wall canvases myself using the crib bedding as inspiration.  And the GORGEOUS curtains were a custom design collaboration between myself and my dear & talented friend and interior designer, Amy Christie, out of Chattanooga, TN.

Generally I’m not a huge fan of dark/earthy colors, but the espresso wood finish just lent itself so perfectly to the safari animal theme.  I’m very pleased with the choice.  Plus it allows the vivid colors of the bedding, curtains & walls to really pop, which I wanted, as this room is a smaller space.  I just wanted it to be a bright and happy place for us and for a little boy.

Also, the good thing about the wall canvases, is that whenever kiddo decides he’s not into jungle animals anymore, I can just take the paintings down and we are still left with an awesome room that could pair well with trucks, trains, dinosaurs, monsters, whatever his imagination leads him to!

This is one of my favorite maternity photos that my sister, Elizabeth, so graciously took for me.  She is quite the skilled photographer and has been “booked” (by us) at numerous family affairs – holidays, birthdays, baptisms, etc.  I am proud to be her first paying client with this particular set of photos, but cannot post more right now as quite a few of them contain baby’s name spelled out in blocks.  We are keeping his name to ourselves until he gets here, which we did with our first son as well.  Then we can introduce him to his waiting brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends!  Any day now….any time….tonight…..right now….we’re ready to meet you, honey!  Come on out!

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And time suddenly slows down…

And time suddenly slows down…

Prepare for my random, rambling preggo whining.

I’m due this Saturday.  Yes, folks, 4 days from now.  And man I can tell you, I’m done.  I was done last week.  I can’t sleep, I have massive heartburn with everything I do and do not choose to eat, all my bones and joints and things are popping wildly and aching constantly, on top of peeing 17 times a day and running around after a toddler.  I’m done.  If I make it to my doctor’s appointment this Friday, I’m definitely going to ask if they can go ahead and set me up with induction or something next week…my body is tired and the kiddo isn’t even OUT yet…

I was eager to have little man join us last week, as a July baby would add another birthday to a relatively slow birthday month amongst our immediate family – my mother being the only other in this time frame.  In August it picks back up again with not only my husband’s mother’s AND father’s birthdays, but also their anniversary and my own birthday!  Baby has let July slip past him, so I’m not in a real rush anymore, and we’re already on the third day of this month.  I’m just hoping to keep as many days as possible between baby’s birth date and my mother-in-law’s.  Mom-in-law already shares her birthday with – get ready for this – HER mother and one of her sister-in-laws!  No more on that day please!  I’m prepared to duct tape the baby exit closed on that day if necessary.

Let me back up a minute.  When my husband and I merged families, both of our immediate families and ALL of our grandparents had birthdays beginning in mid-May and running through early September.  Literally, it’s almost a weekly/bi-weekly thing for a while…

May 5, nephews

May 8, nephew

May 19, husband

May 22, my brother

June 4, my brother’s wife

June 10, my husband’s sister

June 20, my sister

July 11, my mom

July 16, hubb’s grandmother

~skip nearly a month here~

August 11, my mother-in-law, her mother and a sister-in-law

August 22, my in-laws’s anniversary

August 26, my father-in-law

August 27, me

OY!!!  Seriously!  Not that you can plan these things, but it’s a virtual birthday fest every other week all summer long!  The dinners out are continuous, the birthday shopping is clumped all together…which is fun, but exhausting!  Then, as soon as you wrap up birthday season, you rev up immediately for Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff!!!

And now baby’s birth looms near and I am showing no signs of impending labor at all.  Of course, it could all change in the next hour, but methinks that’s a fat chance.  I’m really just whiny because I’m uncomfortable.  It’s hot here.  It’s humid.  I’m huge.  I am waddling.  Hopping in and out of our giant bed requires sound effects now, as does folding in half to pick up after our little one, hefting laundry, and reaching on tip-toe to put some dishes away.  I’m just tired.  The pregnancy flew by until last week, then something about the magic of 38 weeks halted all of that.  We’ve still got our regular schedule and daily activities/errands/etc.  But all the down time in between is just draaaaaaaaaaging…..Everyone is on “Baby Watch 2010″ and I feel like I’m Lucy in one of my favorite episodes of I Love Lucy when Ricky, Fred & Ethel are all sitting around staring at her like she’s going to explode.

Come forth, little one.  Your daddy, your brother and I would like to meet you.  I’d rather be up with you all night nursing or rocking instead of being up all night because of you peeing every half hour, eating TUMS like candy because of major heartburn.  Come out!  August 4th is looking good on my calendar!

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