Our Brown Headed Cowbird named Steve
We have one of these:
Whom we named Steve. He has been sitting on our kitchen bay window and tap-tap-tapping ALL HOURS of the day and night…pausing for a brief snooze between 7pm and 4 or 5 am (yes…Steve starts tapping on the glass that early).
The boys look forward to him coming to visit while we dine or craft at the kitchen table and I crack a smile whenever I hear, “Hi, Steve!” while I’m in the other room.
Just a tidbit to share, some bonus knowledge you can say ~ I was reading about this little fellow when doing a quick search for a picture, and I was discovering what a jackass this bird is. The females spend all summer laying multitudinous eggs in other birds’ nests, expecting the other bird to foster the cowbird young, and in essence sacrificing one or more of the host bird’s eggs. Not cool, Steve. Not cool.