Macaroni & Cheese go to the beach
My sister-in-law & I dubbed ourselves Macaroni & Cheese after seeing “Juno” in theaters and hearing the line that went something like, “you are the cheese to my macaroni.” If we could have a long lost twin sister, we’d have each other. Our taste in everything is freakishly similar (translate: exactly the same). We have the same clothes, shoes, jewelry, silverware, furniture, lamps, paint colors in the houses, we’ve seen the same hair stylist for years now, have artwork by the same artists, and for several years we had the same car (2004 mini-coopers ~ hers blue, mine silver) until I traded mine in for a more practical baby-mobile. And the kind of scary part is that half of the stuff we do and have the same of, we aren’t even together when we pick it out! We have joked that we should just build one giant house with two master wings, so we could save ourselves some money and just buy ONE of everything and share the living space instead of buying two of everything for our separate households.
Flashback: I met Tiffany in the summer of 1998 through my brother’s summer job (coincidentally also where I met my husband for the first time). Tiff and my bro started dating in early 1999, and were married 6 months before my hubby and I took our own vows in 2004. We’ve been kind of a “4 Muskateers” deal since we all met, but more so after Matt & I started dating in fall of 2002….trips all over the country and the world, movies, get-togethers, game nights, it’s a pretty awesome little group. And Tiffany and I have been basically inseparable since the first year we met.
Life is so much easier and awesomer (yes, that’s a word I use) when you like your sibling’s spouse! So, this weekend – TODAY will be our first girly adventure to the Carolina coastline since all our babies were born. The last trip I remember was a week or so we spent together in June 2008, a few months before my son arrived.
I’m skipping around, I know, I do that…but here’s a brief timeline for you of the last couple years so perhaps you can see why we are so ecstatic about this barely 48 hour escape…
February 2008 – I find out about being preggo with Evan
September 2008 – Tiffany finds out about being preggo
October-ish 2008 – Tiffany & my brother discover they are expecting TWINS
October 2008 – I deliver my precious redheaded son, Evan
November 2008 – Tiffany gets placed on bed rest due to some minor complications with “Baby A”
And from November-early May 2009, I chauffeur her to most all of her doctor appointments and we hang around the house making use of our Netflix subscriptions and enjoying the lazy days of having a newborn who just eats and sleeps all day (sigh….kinda miss those days now!)
May 2009 – Twin boys are delivered safely into the world, and the chaos hasn’t stopped since!
It’s a zoo around here, and I thought being a new mom to one was hard – I don’t even know how Tiffany and her husband have made it through the last year without their hair falling out and admitting themselves to the looney bin!
So, it’s been two years since Tiff and I were able to abscond together and go somewhere other than just a dinner out, or a monthly pedicure. And I am fairly sure this will be the least exciting beach trip we’ve ever taken – we both predict lots of SLEEPING, a few of our fave restaurants, some trashy tv, and some more sleep. But we’re looking forward to it! We’ve been to the beach a thousand times and been to all the shops and gallivanted down the coastline to Pawley’s Island and Charelston, and I know we’ll go a thousand more times and do the same…so this one time we’re allowed a bum weekend.
It feels odd leaving the kids at home. We’ve each made several beach trips with our respective mothers and sons, just not together (there isn’t enough room at the condo for all adults and all babies at the same time), and this is the first time for each of us to leave our kiddos for more than a few hours. We’re not freaking out about it, and we’re confidant in the husbands’ parenting abilities…it just feels kind of weird to take a couple days to ourselves…not to have to get a child (or two) in and out of the car, not to do middle of the night diaper changes, not to have to consciously think of a child friendly place to eat, hell – it’ll be weird not having the car stuffed to the brim with high chairs, pack & plays, strollers, diapers, kid movies and toys ALONG with our stuff!!!
Baby #4 (between the two of us) is due in 11 weeks and counting, and the chaos will continue I’m sure….
This is the first time IN a long time, and the last time FOR a long time so we better enjoy it!
Macaroni & Cheese ride again!